Textile Testing Process in a Third Party Lab

Textile Testing is an Important Part for a Textile Company as they need a quality certificate to export their Textile or Garment Products. It’s a Buyer requirement that the products they buy from different Garment Companies should meet their product criteria and quality. So here the question arises, where and how the products should be[…]

Buyers Approved Textile Testing Laboratories

Most of the Garments and Textile industries around the world are 100% export-oriented. They export their textile and garments products to other countries. While trendy designs and incomparable colors may preliminary sell a garment, it’s finally quality and safety that will confirm customer loyalty, generate repeat business, and maintain a brand’s value. That is why[…]

14 Key Responsibilities of a Garments Merchandiser

At first, we need to understand the term “Garments Merchandising.” “Garment” is an alternative term of apparel or cloth which we need to wear in our everyday life all over the world, and “Merchandising” means developing, producing, buying, and selling any goods or products or services for the local or international market. So, “Merchandising” is[…]

Garment Care Symbol and Meaning

When we buy a garment, it looks nice and ok but when we use it, it becomes dirty day by day and becomes unfit to wear. So, to wear it again, we’ve to clean it. Then the questions come in our mind that how we will clean it and iron it so that the dresses[…]

Different Types of Textile Testing Methods

Most of the people among us have heard the different types of Textiles and Garments Brand and Buyer name like CK, Dockers, Kohl’s, Kmart, H&M, C&A, Levi’s, Gymboree, American Eagle, Gap, Walmart etc. I would like to inform you that Walmart, Inditex, Gap, Levi’s, American Eagle, PVH, H&M, Esprit, S. Oliver, Mothercare, C&A, George etc.[…]

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