
The 10 Best Types of Leggings with Images

At first in the thirteenth century in Europe, cowboys started to use hose made of deer skins as protective wear to protect their legs from rubbing when they ride on horses. At the very beginning of nineteenth century the concept of leggings or tights came and later in 1960s it became very popular. Definition Leggings[…]

14 Key Responsibilities of a Garments Merchandiser

At first, we need to understand the term “Garments Merchandising.” “Garment” is an alternative term of apparel or cloth which we need to wear in our everyday life all over the world, and “Merchandising” means developing, producing, buying, and selling any goods or products or services for the local or international market. So, “Merchandising” is[…]

Top 5 Principles of Fashion

The Principles of Fashion The fundamentals for fashion identification, fashion forecasting, fashion study, that concerns with the history of fashion, the propagation of fashion and the techniques related to fashion merchandising lies on the following five principles of fashion: 1. Consumers establish fashion by accepting or rejecting the Styles offered The consumer is the end-user[…]

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