Search Results for: spinning

Polyester Fibre Production Process and End Uses

Introduction Polyester are polymers made by a condensation reaction taking place between small molecules, in which the linkage of the molecules occurs through the formation of ester groups. Polyesters are commonly made by interaction of a dibasic acid with a dihydric alcohol: HOOC-X-COOH + HO-Y-OH → …OC-X-COO-Y-OCO-X-COO-Y-OCO… The formation of polyester was studied by Wallace H. Carothers[…]

What is Twist in Yarn: Definition and Meaning

Definition of Twist The process by which fibres are arranged around the axis of yarn is called yarn twist. It imparts strength to the yarn. Higher the twist more the yarn strength, till optimum twist is reached. But due to property of ‘fabric assistance’ even less than optimum twist will produce fabrics of maximum strength. It also[…]

A Guide to Denim, Drapery and Upholstery Yarns

Denim Yarns Denim yarns now cover a wide range of applications from traditional cotton “Jeans fabric” produced from Ne 5.6/1 to ladies fashion shirts produced from Ne 22/1 and finer. Denim was originally defined as woven, cotton, fabric produced from an indigo dyed warp and a natural-colored filling and most of the yarn counts fell between Ne 5.6 and[…]

An Overview of Sisal Fibre

Introduction Sisal is an Agave sisalana that yields a stiff fibre traditionally used in making twine, rope, and also dartboards. (The term may refer either to the plant or the fibre, depending on context) It has often been incorrectly referred to as sisal hemp because hemp was for centuries a major source for fibre, so other fibres were[…]

An overview of Jute Emulsion

Definition of Emulsion Jute batching is of a simple nature, usually containing only the mineral oil, water and emulsifying agent. An emulsion is an intimate mixture of two immiscible liquids, one dispersed in droplets from inside the other. It has two phases – an external phase and an internal phase. The external phase is the water[…]

Causes of Faults Found in Ring Frame Yarn

The Faults Found in Ring Frame Yarn and their Causes Soft Yarn  Generally caused by slack spindle bundles, twist change wheel too large, empty bobbins not properly pushed down during doffing. Uneven Yarn Either travelers are too heavy or for spinning fine counts from inferior cotton. Fuzzy Yarn  Rings too large, by ballooning or bad lubrication of[…]

Ballooning Effect in Ring Frame

During spinning operation the drafted strand of fibre being delivered and held at one end by the front rollers, the other end rotates round the bobbin with the traveller on the ring. It is observed that the thread between the thread guide and the traveller, is bulged out which is called the ballooning effect if the thread; and the[…]

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