Search Results for: dyeing

An Overview of Fabric Mercerizing

Definition  This is a special treatment for cotton yarns, fabrics which improves the fabric luster and wet ability, ensures a covering effect for dead cotton, improves dimensional stability and dyeing efficiency. Mechanism This treatment is done by using caustic soda, which determines the contraction and swelling of the fibres; they become translucent their tensile strength, but reduce their flexural and torsion[…]

An Overview of Garment Finishing

Finishing As the name implies, finishing covers all the operations required to complete a garment. For most garments this process starts after top pressing. The details involved in finishing vary according to garment type but in principle are as described here. Attaching Buttons Attaching buttons has two stages, marking and sewing. Marking The hand marking of[…]

Quality Assurance System of Knit Fabric Production

Quality assurance is an important part of knitted fabric production system. We should maintain the proper guideline of the production process to assure the quality of knitted fabric for the buyer acceptance of the end products. The process can be discussed as below:   Quality Assurance Procedure Quality assurance procedure may be divided into two major parts: Online[…]

Cotton Fibre and Yarn Quality Co-Relation

Instead of buying any cotton available at the lowest price, spin it to produce yarn if highest count possible and selling yarn at any market at random. It is advisable to locate a good market where yarn can be sold at the highest price and fine cotton, which has characteristics to spin the yarn of desired specifications for that[…]

Hydrolysis of Reactive Dye

Definition of Hydrolysis Hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a molecule is cleaved into two parts by the addition of a molecule of water. One fragment of the parent molecule gains a hydrogen ion (H+) from the additional water molecule. The other group collects the remaining hydroxyl group (OH−). Hydrolysis of Reactive Dye During[…]

Finishing Faults and Their Remedies

Finishing is the most import part in the Textile Industries because total quality of the dyed fabric depends on finishing. In this section fabric GSM, width, shrinkage etc. are controlled. But sometimes the subsequent faults are found after finishing. Wet Squeezer Marks Causes Remedies GSM Variation Causes Remedies Bowing Causes Remedies Skewing Causes Remedies You[…]

Water Functions in the Textile Industry

Introduction Within the textile industry, several sectors can be distinguished. The most crucial water-consuming sector within the textile industry is the textile finishing industry. Water can be used in two different ways: a medium for textile treatment with direct contact with the material or as a heating/cooling medium without direct contact. The following figure shows a[…]

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