Search Results for: dyeing

What is Yarn: Definition and Meaning

Yarn is made from different types of fibre. Yarn is the raw material of the fabric, and the fabric is the raw material of clothing. So without yarn, the dress is impossible. But many of us don’t know what yarn is. So in this article, we will learn about yarn. Definition and Meaning of Yarn[…]

Textile Bleaching [A to Z]

Definition of Textile Bleaching Bleaching is the 3rd step of wet processing. The process by which the natural color of a fibre can be removed and make the textile material pure white and bright is called bleaching. Objects of Bleaching There are many objects as follows: Types of Textile Bleaching Agent They are in two types as follows:[…]

Direct Dye: An Overview [A to Z]

Definition of Direct Dye An anionic dye which have substantivity for cellulosic fibres, normally applied from an aqueous dye bath containing an electrolyte is known as Direct dye. Chemical Structure of Direct Dye Significance or Properties of Direct Dye Classification of Direct Dye Based on migration test and salt control ability these dyes are classified as follows:[…]

An Overview of Batik Printing

Definition of Batik Batik is an Indonesian word describing a form of resist printing which, although known and practiced as a negative craft in south-east India, Europe and parts of Africa, has achieved an unrivalled degree of craftsmanship in the Island of Java. It is a characteristic of Java Batik that the resist is obtained by[…]

Classification of Textile Dyes

Dye is a complex compound which is applied in the textile materials represent color and contains chromophore and auxochrome groups in its chemical structure. Dyes or dyestuffs are classified according to their chemical structure would form at least 30 classes. The important types are discussed below: Acid Dyes This is a large class characterized by their[…]

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