Search Results for: testing

Fabric Shrinkage Test

When we give a knitted T-Shirt for laundry or wash, we can discover that the T-Shirt has become smaller than its original size after laundry or washing. This happens due to Fabric Shrinkage. It is a process in which fabric dimension becomes smaller than its original size. It happens either lengthwise or width wise or[…]

Different Tests for Textile Quality Control

Quality Control section is the most important section in Textile and Garment industries. Most of the Textile and garment industries in Bangladesh are 100% export oriented. The buyers who deal with the manufacturers in Bangladesh always want quality. So to maintain quality, quality control section is necessary. Quality control is defined as the set of[…]

Process Flowchart of Apparel Merchandising

The term ‘merchandising’ has always been a magic word and hot pick of the cake in the field of apparel and fashion merchandising. Most of the persons who want to pursue a career in the apparel field want to become a merchandiser. What makes this so much attractive and important is – reputation, responsibility and[…]

How to Identify Wool and Silk Fibre

Recognition and identification of fibre content in fabrics has become extremely difficult even for knowledgeable and experienced merchants because of the growing variety of types of fibres, the blending techniques in yarn and fabric construction, and the finishes that affect the appearance and hand of the fabrics. Therefore, specific laboratory tests are used for identification[…]

Properties of Jute fibre

Jute fibre, also known as “the golden fibre of Bangladesh,” is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre obtained from the jute plant’s bark (Corchorus spp.). It is one of the world’s most affordable and widely used natural fibres. Primarily it grows in tropical regions, including India, Bangladesh, China, and Thailand. It is composed mainly of[…]

An Overview of Sisal Fibre

Introduction Sisal is an Agave sisalana that yields a stiff fibre traditionally used in making twine, rope, and also dartboards. (The term may refer either to the plant or the fibre, depending on context) It has often been incorrectly referred to as sisal hemp because hemp was for centuries a major source for fibre, so other fibres were[…]

History of Fashion in the Roman Period

The life of the Roman Empire is commonly reckoned from 53BC to 500AD. Rome exerted a dominant influence on the manners and customs of entire known world. The city of Rome was established by Romulus. This civilization flourished for four centuries. Later, it was divided into two-East and West. As usual, there were rich and[…]

What is Nylon Fibre | History of Nylon Fibre

The Federal trade commission’s definition for nylon fibre – “A manufactured fibre in which the fibre forming substance is long-chain synthetic polyamide in which less than 85% of the amide linkages are attached directly (-CO-NH-) to two aliphatic groups.” In September 1931, American chemist Wallace Carothers reported on research carried out in the laboratories of the Dopant[…]

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