What is Lycra or Spandex: Definition and Meaning

In the present day, who does not like tight-fitting clothing? It may be casual wear, performance wear, swimwear or fashionable products. But, before the invention of spandex, fashion designers could not think of this tight-fitting clothing. It is the Spandex filament that made all these happen to make stretchable clothing products. An overview of Lycra/Spandex/Elastane[…]

What is carding? Definition and Meaning

Definition of Carding Carding is the second stage of cotton spinning. It is defined as the reduction of entangled mass of fibres to filmy web by working them between two closely spaced relatively moving surfaces closed with sharp points i.e. wires. The process of using a card (a thistle or teasel) for combing textile fibres.[…]

Combing Faults with Causes and Remedies

Different Types of Combing Faults and Their Possible Remedies Cutting Across This fault indicates the thick and thin bars which occur from the one side of web to the other. The possible causes are – Incorrect roller setting, excessive draft, roller slippage or loose drafting rollers at the sliver and ribbon lap formers; lap former[…]

Description of a Precision Winder

Precision Winder The main feature of precision winder is the spindle in which the package is mounted and it directly gets drive. The precision winder is one, in which there is a constant ratio between the speed of the spindle which carries the package being wound and the speed of the traversing mechanism. This winder[…]

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