Fabric Shrinkage Test

When we give a knitted T-Shirt for laundry or wash, we can discover that the T-Shirt has become smaller than its original size after laundry or washing. This happens due to Fabric Shrinkage. It is a process in which fabric dimension becomes smaller than its original size. It happens either lengthwise or width wise or […]

Fabric Inspection: Four Point System

Inspection is the most crucial section under the quality control department in the fabric manufacturing or fabric dyeing factory. This section ensures the fabric is defect-free or not. The fabric manufacturer’s responsibility is to provide the fabric with good quality and suitable for the expected product. There are various systems for fabric inspection, such as […]

Different Tests for Textile Quality Control

Quality Control section is the most important section in Textile and Garment industries. Most of the Textile and garment industries in Bangladesh are 100% export oriented. The buyers who deal with the manufacturers in Bangladesh always want quality. So to maintain quality, quality control section is necessary. Quality control is defined as the set of […]

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