The 10 Best Raised Surface Fabrics

Fashion over comfort or comfort over fashion? These are the most conflicting questions that come to our minds. Some of us prefer comfort, and some of us prefer fashion. But this also varies according to season and occasion. For both fashion and comfort, raised surface fabrics play an essential role. Velvet, Sherpa, Corduroy, etc., fabrics[…]

Systematic Development of Technical Textiles

Technical textiles are utilized in a range of goods, ranging in size from tiny to extensive. Various characteristics of useable equipment and procedure stymie the execution of innovative textile product concepts. To finalize functional finishes for textiles and assure product quality, technical textiles applications must be developed. Development Methods To Improve the textile industry; we[…]

Future of Textile Manufacturing Industries

Introduction India is one of the world’s leaders in textiles, with its fashion industry accounting for over 15% of the world’s total clothing exports. The textile industry has witnessed a lot of change in the last decade. India’s textile industry has evolved significantly, both in terms of technology and how business is done. This evolution[…]

20 Different Types of Lightweight Fabric

It is a sunny day, and you will go for an outing, then lightweight clothing will be the best choice for you. Because on sunny days, your comfort largely depends on the lightness, air permeability, and moisture absorbency of your clothing. Lightweight fabrics are light in weight, have good air permeability, and are also good[…]

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