Author : Abu Sayed

Properties of Jute fibre

Jute fibre, also known as “the golden fibre of Bangladesh,” is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre obtained from the jute plant’s bark (Corchorus spp.). It is one of the world’s most affordable and widely used natural fibres. Primarily it grows in tropical regions, including India, Bangladesh, China, and Thailand. It is composed mainly of[…]

Different types of Garments Wash

Normally garment or apparel washing means cleaning of dirty garments with soap or detergent. But it is not that garments washing. An industrial apparel washing is a technology. The technology which is used to modify the outlook, appearance, comfort-ability and design of the ready made apparel made from solid color dyed or pigment printed fabric[…]

What is Garment Dyeing? Advantages of Garment Dyeing

Definition of Garments Dyeing At first garments dyeing technology applied on woolen and silk garments but now it is applied on polyester, acrylic, nylon and also extensively on cotton garments. Its popularity is increasing all over the world. There are many advantages of garments dyeing which are the reasons of its popularity increase. Normally we[…]

What is Heat Setting?

Heat Setting Heat-setting can be defined as a treatment by which shape retention, crease resistance, elasticity etc. is given to the fibres. It also changes the strength, softness and dye-ability of the material. All these changes are directly connected with the structural and chemical modifications occurring in the fibre. The heat-setting process is mainly used[…]

What is Thermal Clothing?

The term “Thermal clothing” is using in the trade for last few years. The term “Thermal” is used for different clothing. This means the clothing, which feels cool in worm weather and worm in cool weather when worn. The basic properties of those clothing depends on their thickness, air permeability and wicking properties. Wool and[…]

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