
Properties of Spandex Fabrics

Fabrics are never made entirely of spandex fibre. As has been indicated, these yarns are frequently made in combination with other fibres. These yarns are generally incorporated with other yarns in fabrics. When bare spandex yarns are used, they are always utilized in conjunction with other yarns in fabrics. The form, amount, and other arrangement[…]

Properties of Orlon Acrylic Fabric

The properties of fabrics made of Orlon depend on the type of fibre used as well as how the material is woven, knitted, or finished. The several types of Orlon provide for flexibility in application due to differences in their properties. Therefore, fabric and garment performance should be evaluated in terms of these particular characteristics[…]

Properties of Jute fibre

Jute fibre, also known as “the golden fibre of Bangladesh,” is a long, soft, shiny vegetable fibre obtained from the jute plant’s bark (Corchorus spp.). It is one of the world’s most affordable and widely used natural fibres. Primarily it grows in tropical regions, including India, Bangladesh, China, and Thailand. It is composed mainly of[…]

Properties of Acrylic Fibre

Acrylic fibre is the most popular among the synthetic fibres. It contains about 85% acrylonitrile units. It is generated from hydrogen, cyanide, acetylene and petroleum. Top Properties of Acrylic Fibre The main properties of acrylic fibres may be described as follows: Length The length of the acrylic fibre can be controlled. That means, it may[…]

Synthetic Fibres: Characteristics and End Usage

There are twelve major groups of Synthetic or manufactured fibres, eight of which are found in considerable abundance in fashion apparel, wearable accessories, and home furnishings. Each has specific characteristics that are unique and are wearable under trade names that belong to their producers. For example, Zafran is Nylon that is produced by BASF Corporation,[…]

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