Search Results for: dyeing

How to Select a Dye for Proper Dyeing

Selection of Dyes With the enormous host of dyes available to today’s textile industry, the choices are significant. Aside from each coloring agent’s ability to impregnate fibres and fabrics with different color intensities, each has specific functional characteristics that may make it more suitable for one project than for another. One of the most important[…]

A Guide to Different Types of Dyeing Technique

Fabrics are either yarn-dyed or piece-dyed. Yarn-dyeing means that the yarns are colored before weaving. They can be stored as raw yarn and dyed when required according to the dictates of fashion. Piece-dyeing means that cloth is woven as what is known as ‘grey’ goods and is then dyed according to fashion need. Dyeing is[…]

Continuous Dyeing Method [Thermosol]

Working Procedure of Continuous Dyeing Process Continuous dyeing is the most popular method of dyeing woven fabrics. The characteristics of this dyeing method are the numerous rollers which grey fabrics go in and come out dyed. When there is a large volume of goods, it is usually better to process them continuously without the inconvenience[…]

Working Procedure of Jigger Dyeing Machine

The Jig machine is one of the oldest ways of dyeing fabric in open width. In this machine a batch of fabric is rolled backwards and forwards from one roller to another through the dye liquor. The direction of movement is automatically reversed as the machine reaches the end of the fabric roll. The duration[…]

Winch Dyeing Machine

Working Principal of Winch Dyeing Machine  This is one kind old dyeing machine for fabrics in rope form with stationary liquor and moving material system. The machine is operated at a maximum temperature of 950 – 1000 C for open bath winch but for closed winch, the machine operates at a maximum temperature of 1300 – 1600 C. The liquor ratio[…]

Dyeing Faults and their Remedies [Video]

Dyeing is the most technical part of the Textile Industries. Because you need to match the pre-production sample and production samples shade with buyers approved sample shade and it’s not an easy job. In some cases shade doesn’t match and you need to re-dye the whole batch and in some cases, the following dyeing faults occur:   Uneven[…]

What is Textile Dyeing: Definition and Meaning

Definition of Textile Dyeing The dyeing process is aimed at giving woven or knitted fabric its intended color, crucial to its ultimate use. The process can be carried out at different stages of fibre processing, i.e. in different forms: staple, yarn, fabric (rope or open-width), and piece. When the process is carried out during the first processing stages,[…]

Pima vs Supima Cotton: A Comparative Analysis

Pima cotton and Supima cotton are often interchangeably used in the textile industry. Pima is named after the Pima tribe in Arizona, where it was originally cultivated. It is recognized for its fineness and durability. On the other hand, Supima is a hybrid of Pima that maintains high-quality standards. Many consumers know these names from[…]

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