Repair, Maintenance, Setting and Replacement of Different Parts of Straight Knife Cutting Machine

Last updated on September 24th, 2023 at 01:17 pm


Machines condition will be deteriorated if it is exposed to the environment and subject to use. If these process remain unchecked and unchanged it will cause unserviceable and standstill of the machine. Industry therefore has no other way but to attend, to repair, to maintain, to set and to recondition them so as to prolong their life to the extent it is economically and physically possible to do so. So according to engineering aspect respects repair, maintenance, setting and replacement of different parts of the machines are badly needed and so on.

Straight knife cutting machine.

Required Tools

  • Flat screw driver
  • Star screw driver
  • Hammer
  • Pliers
  • Lubricating oil
  • Grease


Repair work is carried out when a component requires slight modification. To carry out such job the machine needs to be switched off first. The component under repairing, the part is fixed to its designed place and hence its correction is measured by running the machine. In a straight knife cutting machine motor, knife, knife guard, wheel, base plate wheel controller, can undergo repair job.

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Maintenance can be of different types. But following types are important in this aspect.

Routine maintenance

Lubrication and regular inspection are the constituents of routine maintenance. Lubrication ensures long life and safe working of all the equipment. Inspection tries to detect fault in equipment so that repairs and replacement may be undertake at right time.

Scheduled maintenance

This type of maintenance provides for inspection, overhaul lubrication and servicing of the machine at predetermined dates. Overhauling of machine, cleaning of all components is normally done in this manner. It involves opening of the machine into its smallest components and carry out lubrication.


The setting of the machine is of immense importance. Following setting points need to be ensured before running the machine.

In straight knife cutting machine, the knife is straight and it has reciprocating motor. The height of blade ranges from 1 – 33 cm and the stroke of blade ranges from 2.4 – 4.5 cm. The setting of knife is very important. For smooth cutting, the knife maintenance is very necessary.

Sharp edge of straight knife

The sharp edge knife may have various shapes for various extent of cutting. Such as, to cut soft and fine lay of fabric, straight edge is used to cut canvas fabric, sew edge is used to cut coarse and heavy cotton fabric, serrated edge is used. So, the sharp edge of knife should be selected according to requirements.


Motor rpm expresses the speed of the machine. In straight knife cutting machine, two types of force are required i.e. for the reciprocating motion of straight knife and for the movement of knife inside the lay of fabric. The rpm is controlled by regulator of motor and the movement of knife inside the lay of fabric.

Fabric height controller

Fabric height can be controlled by controlling the height of blade. Fabric height should be controlled depending on types of fabric, cutting efficiency, requirement etc.


The replacement is revealed when the retention on equipment is no more remains an economical proportion. A replacement is affected when the equipment is subjected to complete breakage which cannot be used even after repair or the component has become so obsolete that affects production or it has crossed its expire date. Replacement can be affected to any components of the machine at any time. In straight knife cutting machine, main component knife undergo frequent replacement. The grinding wheel, base plate wheel need not to replace very frequently, but they need to be replaced for proper function of machine.

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Following precaution must be taken when repair, setting, maintenance or replacement is carried out in the straight knife cutting machine.

  • All repair and maintenance work must be carried out by switching off the machine.
  • Careful handling of all the components is necessary.
  • Right tools should be used at right place and right time.
  • The components should not be too tight or too loose.
  • Skilled personnel should be involved for specialized job.


Every industry has to carry out such this maintenance procedure in each reputed industry maintains a maintenance department. They follow these points during their procedure.

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He is Abu Sayed, the founder of the blog site Textile Apex. He is a Textile Engineer having eight years plus practical experience in the Textile and Clothing industries. With a deep love for fashion and a keen eye for detail, he combines his creative flair with extensive knowledge to offer insightful and engaging content to his readers.
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