Harness Mounting System of Jacquard Loom

Harness Mounting The jacquard harness is the system of cords, healds and lingoes that transmit the movement of the hooks to the individual warp threads. A simple form of harness is represented in the fig. below: There are two main types of harness ties. Norwich System When jacquard mechanism is mounted with the parallel of[…]

Finishing Faults and Their Remedies

Finishing is the most import part in the Textile Industries because total quality of the dyed fabric depends on finishing. In this section fabric GSM, width, shrinkage etc. are controlled. But sometimes the subsequent faults are found after finishing. Wet Squeezer Marks Causes Remedies GSM Variation Causes Remedies Bowing Causes Remedies Skewing Causes Remedies You[…]

Dyeing Faults and their Remedies [Video]

Dyeing is the most technical part of the Textile Industries. Because you need to match the pre-production sample and production samples shade with buyers approved sample shade and it’s not an easy job. In some cases shade doesn’t match and you need to re-dye the whole batch and in some cases, the following dyeing faults occur:   Uneven[…]

Premier Evenness Tester

The task of a spinner is to transform a mass of millions of fibres with variable properties, tangled and containing unwanted foreign matter into a yarn characterized by uniformity of weight per unit length, diameter, TPI, colour, strength and so on. Now to test this uniformity different types of m/cs are used in textile technology. Evenness Tester[…]

An Overview of V-bed (Manual) Knitting Machine

Main Parts Functions of Different Parts The functions of different parts are illustrated below in sequence wise. Yarn guide: it is used to maintain the path of the yarn. Cymbal tension: it is a spring loaded tensioning device. It is used to maintain the uniform tension of yarn. Yarn take-up: it is used to take-up the yarn from[…]

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