What is Industrial Psychology? Importance of Industrial Psychology

Definition of Industrial Psychology Industrial-organizational psychologists contribute to an organization’s success by improving the performance and well-being of its people. An industrial psychologist researches and identifies how behaviors and attitudes can be improved through hiring practices, training programs, and feedback systems. According to E. J. Mc Cormic and Joseph Tiffin, “ Industrial Psychology is concerned[…]

Honeycomb Weave Fabric Structure: An Overview

The term is applied to weaves which resemble honeycomb cells. The cellular formations appear square in the cloth. They are formed by some ends and picks interlacing tighter than others and therefore developing a higher tension. Usually, single cloths are made by progressively lengthening and shortening both warp and weft floats to form ridges and[…]

Uses of Computer in Textile and Apparel Industry

The textile and apparel industry comprises a complex network of interrelated sectors that produce fibers, spin yarns, fabricate cloth, and dye/finish/print and manufacture apparel. Computer technology is one of the most important tools contributing to the significant advancement of this industry. CAD (Computer aided design) is industry specific textile design system using computer as a tool. CAD is[…]

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