
How to Select a Dye for Proper Dyeing

Selection of Dyes With the enormous host of dyes available to today’s textile industry, the choices are significant. Aside from each coloring agent’s ability to impregnate fibres and fabrics with different color intensities, each has specific functional characteristics that may make it more suitable for one project than for another. One of the most important[…]

Direct Dye: An Overview [A to Z]

Definition of Direct Dye An anionic dye which have substantivity for cellulosic fibres, normally applied from an aqueous dye bath containing an electrolyte is known as Direct dye. Chemical Structure of Direct Dye Significance or Properties of Direct Dye Classification of Direct Dye Based on migration test and salt control ability these dyes are classified as follows:[…]

Classification of Textile Dyes

Dye is a complex compound which is applied in the textile materials represent color and contains chromophore and auxochrome groups in its chemical structure. Dyes or dyestuffs are classified according to their chemical structure would form at least 30 classes. The important types are discussed below: Acid Dyes This is a large class characterized by their[…]

Hydrolysis of Reactive Dye

Definition of Hydrolysis Hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a molecule is cleaved into two parts by the addition of a molecule of water. One fragment of the parent molecule gains a hydrogen ion (H+) from the additional water molecule. The other group collects the remaining hydroxyl group (OH−). Hydrolysis of Reactive Dye During[…]

An Overview of Sulphur Dye [A to Z]

Among the various fashion articles, denim is the fashion icon. For ages, denim has held its waist. Denim fabrics are made of different colors and different styles. Blue, black, or any other color is basically made with sulphur. In this article, we will discuss the critical points of sulphur dye. Significance/Properties of Sulphur Dyes Note:[…]

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