Author : Abu Sayed

Measurement of Yarn Hairiness

Definition of Yarn Hairiness Spun yarns which are spun from staple fibres are hairy. It means that fibre ends come out of the main body of the yarn and its surface becomes hairy. It is a type of yarn fault. Sizing is done before looming the warp yarn to reduce its hairiness and after grey fabric is measured, sizing is done[…]

What is Textile Dyeing: Definition and Meaning

Definition of Textile Dyeing The dyeing process is aimed at giving woven or knitted fabric its intended color, crucial to its ultimate use. The process can be carried out at different stages of fibre processing, i.e. in different forms: staple, yarn, fabric (rope or open-width), and piece. When the process is carried out during the first processing stages,[…]

Objects of Singeing | Gas Flame Singeing Machine

Definition of Singeing Singeing is carried out rarely on knitted fabrics and frequently on yarns and woven fabrics. Instead of the traditional singeing process, it is possible to apply an enzymatic treatment (for cotton and lyocell fabrics), for example with cellulose, which uses chemical agents to corrode the fibre surface and remove the fuzz from the fabric.[…]

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