
Properties of Spandex Fabrics

Fabrics are never made entirely of spandex fibre. As has been indicated, these yarns are frequently made in combination with other fibres. These yarns are generally incorporated with other yarns in fabrics. When bare spandex yarns are used, they are always utilized in conjunction with other yarns in fabrics. The form, amount, and other arrangement[…]

Properties of Orlon Acrylic Fabric

The properties of fabrics made of Orlon depend on the type of fibre used as well as how the material is woven, knitted, or finished. The several types of Orlon provide for flexibility in application due to differences in their properties. Therefore, fabric and garment performance should be evaluated in terms of these particular characteristics[…]

What is Fabric Napping: Definition and Meaning

Definition of Fabric Napping Fabric napping is a finishing process applied to textiles to create a raised surface of fine fibers on one or both sides of the fabric. It involves brushing or raising the fibers from the fabric surface, resulting in a soft, fuzzy texture. The raised fibers are often referred to as “nap.”[…]

What is Lycra or Spandex: Definition and Meaning

In the present day, who does not like tight-fitting clothing? It may be casual wear, performance wear, swimwear or fashionable products. But, before the invention of spandex, fashion designers could not think of this tight-fitting clothing. It is the Spandex filament that made all these happen to make stretchable clothing products. An overview of Lycra/Spandex/Elastane[…]

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