An overview of Jute Emulsion

Definition of Emulsion Jute batching is of a simple nature, usually containing only the mineral oil, water and emulsifying agent. An emulsion is an intimate mixture of two immiscible liquids, one dispersed in droplets from inside the other. It has two phases – an external phase and an internal phase. The external phase is the water[…]

Fashion History of Ancient Greek

The civilization of ancient Greece has left a rich heritage to posterity in her chaste and refined simplicity of dress. It is to the costume of Greece of twenty five hundred years ago that we turn for grace, beauty of line, refinement of detail, and unity of composition. In the study of Greek literature, painting[…]

Causes of Faults Found in Ring Frame Yarn

The Faults Found in Ring Frame Yarn and their Causes Soft Yarn  Generally caused by slack spindle bundles, twist change wheel too large, empty bobbins not properly pushed down during doffing. Uneven Yarn Either travelers are too heavy or for spinning fine counts from inferior cotton. Fuzzy Yarn  Rings too large, by ballooning or bad lubrication of[…]

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