Physical and Chemical Properties of Cotton

The cotton fibre comes from the fruit of the cotton plant which grows in tropical regions. The fibre is known as ‘seed hair’ since it is the fibrous fluffy material which comes from the seeds of the plant. The fluffy material covering the seed is also called ‘ball’. The important physical and chemical properties of cotton are[…]

Famous Silk Weaves

The centuries of silk cloth production have made certain weaves famous in the world markets by their names through which these silks are distinguished. Some of the widely known silk weaves are habotai, crepe, satin, faille, organdy, jacquard, pongee and shantung. Habotai It is representative fabric with the oldest history in China and Japan. Habotai[…]

Working Principle of Rotor Spinning

Now a day rotor spindles occupy at least 6% of the world’s total installation. However, this may seem like a small percentage, but this figure is significant when taken in yarn production, as a large percentage of yarn spun on this system is in the coarser to medium count range. Open-end rotor spinning has become an inseparable[…]

Processing of Man-made Fibres and Blends on Rotor Spinning

Since rotor spinning established its superiority over conventional spinning, blended and manufactured yarns have attracted spinners. One of the essential requirements of blended yarn is the degree of homogeneity in blending their components throughout the length of yarns spun and the uniform distribution of the individual fibre component in the cross-section. In this spinning, the[…]

An Overview of Open-end Rotor Spinning

Fibres are spun into yarn, and yarns are woven or knitted into fabrics, and fabrics are then transformed into clothing products. There are three popular techniques of yarn manufacturing like ring spinning, rotor or open-end spinning and air-jet spinning. Among them, ring spinning is the oldest and till now used to make a wide range[…]

Textile Bleaching [A to Z]

Definition of Textile Bleaching Bleaching is the 3rd step of wet processing. The process by which the natural color of a fibre can be removed and make the textile material pure white and bright is called bleaching. Objects of Bleaching There are many objects as follows: Types of Textile Bleaching Agent They are in two types as follows:[…]

Direct Dye: An Overview [A to Z]

Definition of Direct Dye An anionic dye which have substantivity for cellulosic fibres, normally applied from an aqueous dye bath containing an electrolyte is known as Direct dye. Chemical Structure of Direct Dye Significance or Properties of Direct Dye Classification of Direct Dye Based on migration test and salt control ability these dyes are classified as follows:[…]

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