Production Flowchart of Linen or Flax Fibre

Basically the flax fibre composed of cellulose. Linen yarn is made from fibres removed from the stem of the slender flax plant. These fibres, held together under the stem’s bark principally by a gummy substance, form the body of the flax plant. The fibre obtained from the stem of the flax plant was probably the[…]

Raw Materials Used in Textile Industries

Raw material (RM) is the primary substance which is used as an input to a production process for subsequent modification and finally modified into a finished good. Raw materials may be in processed or unprocessed state. Most of the times raw materials are natural resources such as cotton, oil, rubber etc. They are also altered[…]

Working Flowchart of Knit Dyeing

The main object of dyeing process is to give woven or knitted fabric its intended color, crucial to its ultimate use. The process can be carried out at different stages of fibre processing, i.e. in different forms: staple, yarn, fabric (rope or open-width), and piece. It is done in a special type of solution containing[…]

5 Key Differences Between Textile and Fabric

From earliest times, people have used fabrics of various types for covering, warmth, personal adornment, and even to display personal wealth. Today fabrics are still used for these purposes and everyone is an ultimate consumer. Depending upon whether we use different types of fabric such as we use woolen for winter, cotton for summer, etc.[…]

What is Textile Recycling: Definition and Meaning

Definition of Recycling Recycling can be defined as the process of reusing or making new products from the waste materials. It has many benefits. Such as, it reduces fresh raw materials consumption, energy consumption, air and water pollution and so on. By recycling, we can reduce the wastes and also reuse the product that has[…]

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