Ultimate Guide to Washing Fastness Test Methods

In the textile industry, ensuring the durability and longevity of fabrics is of paramount importance. One crucial aspect of fabric quality is its ability to withstand repeated washing without significant color fading or damage. To determine the fabric’s resistance to washing, various test methods are employed, collectively known as washing fastness tests. What is Washing Fastness?[…]

Martindale Abrasion Tester Test Results Review

The system of methodological standards for determining the abrasion resistance of fabrics by the Martindale method is systematically introduced, and the relationship between European standards, German standards, and the American Society for Materials is pointed out. It points out that the relationship between European standards, German standards, American Materials Council standards, Chinese standards, and international[…]

Dimensional Changes of Fabric After Home Laundering (AATCC 135)

Object This procedure describes the process for determination of dimensional changes of fabrics when subjected to home laundering process. Definitions Dimensional Change: Percentage change in length and width of fabric specimen when subjected to specified conditions. Growth:  Dimensional change result in increase in length and width of specimen. Shrinkage:  Dimensional change result in decrease length[…]

Tear Properties of Fabrics (ISO 13937-2)

In this article, we will see how to determine the tear properties of fabric in ISO 13937 part-02 method. Definitions Gauge Length Distance between the two effective clamping points (grips) of a testing device is known as gauge length. Equipments Test Specimen From each sample two sets of test specimens shall be cut, one set[…]

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