Nonwoven Fabrics: An Overview

Definition of Nonwoven Fabric Non-woven fabric, also known as Non-woven textile or Non-woven material, is produced by bonding or felting fibres together without weaving or knitting them into a fabric. Unlike traditional woven or knitted fabrics, created by interlacing or interloping yarns in a specific pattern, Non-woven fabrics are made by mechanically, chemically, or thermally bonding fibres or […]

What Kinds of Fabric Features enable Clothes become Comfortable to Wear?

We don’t wear the same dress throughout all the seasons. Fashion designers design clothing products, and dressmakers produce dresses according to consumer demand. We prefer T-Shirt during the summer season, and during the winter season, we prefer outerwear. Cotton products are the best in the summer, and woolen products are preferable for winter. As for […]

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