Author : Abu Sayed

What is Resin finishing? Importance of Resin Finishing

Definition of Resin Synthetic resins are complex organic products of high molecular weight. Resin results when a number of simple molecular of low molecular weight become jointed together and to end to form much longer molecules which may be linear or linear molecules cross-linked. The main outlet of resins has been the plastic industry and[…]

A Guide to Different Types of Fabric Selvage

Definition of Fabric Selvage or Selvedges In yard goods, the outer edges are constructed so they will not ravel. These finished edges are called the selvages (self-edges) and are often made with heavier and more closely spaced warp yarns than are used in the rest of the fabric by using more or stronger warp yarns[…]

A Guide to Different Types of Dyeing Technique

Fabrics are either yarn-dyed or piece-dyed. Yarn-dyeing means that the yarns are colored before weaving. They can be stored as raw yarn and dyed when required according to the dictates of fashion. Piece-dyeing means that cloth is woven as what is known as ‘grey’ goods and is then dyed according to fashion need. Dyeing is[…]

Different Types of Textile Printing Technique

Color always provides interest and impact. Printed textiles can attract consumers and convey new fashion trends easily and comparatively quickly. They help to balance collections or ranges and add variety. Some of the most common printing techniques are discussed here: Block Printing Block printing is a traditional technique that uses carved wooden or linoleum blocks[…]

Different Types of Textile Print Patterns

Prints are the impression of any creative design made over the fabric or garments using paints or dyes during manufacturing process or at any finished stage. Printing signifies the application of color to the finished fabric to produce the desired patterns which may be floral (natural) to hide some manufacturing defects. The different types of[…]

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