Drafting Systems used in Speed/Simplex/Roving Frame | Description a Modern Drafting System

Last updated on October 12th, 2023 at 11:29 pm

What are the Different Drafting Systems used in Speed Frame?

The following drafting systems are used in speed frame:

  • 4 – over – 4, two zone drafting system.
  • Two-zone apron drafting, (4 – over 4), aprons are adjusted on 2nd top and bottom roller, better fibre control and higher drafting can be attained with this drafting system at the speed frame.
  • 2 – over – 3 drafting system, this gives effective grip on the fibre, usually suitable for synthetic fibre, less slippage of fibres in this drafting system.
  • 4 – over – 4 graduated roller drafting system.
  • 3 – over – 3 drafting system.
  • Casablancas – 2 – zone system.
  • Casablancas U – 3 system.
  • Platt special 3 – line drafting system.
  • S.K.F PK 400 system.
  • Toyodas 3 – over – 3 two zone system.
  • Toyodas 4 – over – 4 three zone system.
  • Toyodas FL 2 (D type one zone system).

Description of Casablancas two-zone Drafting System 

The Casablancas two-zone drafting system is widely used for cotton on speed frame. The back zone draft takes the place between two pairs of roller, after which follows a zone with practically no draft, in which a special condenser is placed to fold the fibre strand upon itself for consolidation prior to finally drafting it once again in the front zone.

Casablancas two-zone Drafting System 

The front zone is composed of the casablancas double apron unit followed by a congenital pair of front rollers. The draft in this zone about three times that in the back zone. Between the Casablancas bands and the front pair of rollers there is a second condenser, the “collector” which incorporates the stray fibres into the bulk to prevent the creation of excessive amount of fly. The Casablancas weighing arrangement consists of a saddle assembly, which receives weight through a single hook and lever.

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He is Abu Sayed, the founder of the blog site Textile Apex. He is a Textile Engineer having eight years plus practical experience in the Textile and Clothing industries. With a deep love for fashion and a keen eye for detail, he combines his creative flair with extensive knowledge to offer insightful and engaging content to his readers.
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