Consumption Calculation of Basic Long Sleeve Shirt for Woven Items

Last updated on July 31st, 2023 at 01:02 am

In the garment trade, consumption means quantity of raw materials with a view to determine the price of a garment. We can calculate the consumption of basic long sleeve shirt in two ways:

First System

      Length X Width

Formula = ……………………………………………..

        Fabric width X Fabric Unit


Length = 16” + 3.25” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 20.25”

Width = 1.75” + 1” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 3.75”

Sleeve Shirt Consumption Formula

Collar of shirt

Collar band

   Length X Width

Formula = ————————————————– X 2

                    Fab. Width X 36” (Fab. Unit)

Length = 18” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 19”

Width = 1.5” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 2.5” 

So, Consumption = (19” X 2.5”)/ (44” X 36”) X 2 = 95/1584” = 0.05” = 0.06 yd

Collar band of shirt


  Length X Width

Formula = ——————————————— X 2

                    Fab. Width X 36” (Fab. Unit)

Length = 24” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 25”

Width = 4” + 1” (Round) + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 6”

So, Consumption = (25” X 6”)/(44” X 36”) X 2 = 300/1584 = 0.189393 = 0.19 yd

Yoke of shirt

Back Part

CBL (Centre back length) – Shoulder width = (Length X Width)/(Fab. Width X 36”) or, 34.5 – 4” = 30.5”

Length = 30.5” + 1” (sewing allowance) = 31.5”

Width = 24” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 25”

Consumption = (31.5” X 25”)/(44” X 36”) = 787.5/1584 = 0.49715909 = 0.50 yd

Front Part

Formula = (length X Width)/(Fabric width X 36”)

Centre front length = 32” X 1” (Sewing allowance) = 33”

Width (Chest) = 24” + 1” (Sewing allowance) + 3” (Pleat W) = 28”

So, Consumption = (33” X 28”)/(44” X 36”) = 924”/1584” = 0.583333 = 0.59 yd

Back and front part of shirt


Sleeve length = 23” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 24”

Sleeve width = (23” + 11.5”)/2 = 34.5”/2 = 17.25” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 18.25”

So, Consumption = (24” X 18.25”)/(44” X 36”) X 2 = 876”/1584” = 0.553 yd

Sleeve of shirt


Cuff length = 10.5” + 1” = 11.5”

Cuff width = 2.5” + 1” = 3.5”

So, consumption = (11.5” X 3.5” X 4”)/(44” X 36”) = 161/1584 = 0.10 yd

Cuff of shirt


Pocket length = 6.5” + 1” (Sewing allowance) + 1” Pleat W = 8.5”

Pocket width = 5.5” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 6.5”

So, Consumption = (8.5” X 6.5”)/(44” X 36”) = 55.25/1584 = 0.03488 = 0.035 yd

Pocket of shirt

Total Fabrics Needed

  • Collar = 0.10 yd
  • Collar band = 0.06 yd
  • Back yoke = 0.19 yd
  • Back part = 0.50 yd
  • Front part = 0.59 yd
  • Sleeve = 0.553 yd
  • Cuff = 0.10 yd
  • Pocket = 0.035 yd

So, total = 2.128 yards

Total fabrics = 2.128 + 5% (Wastage) = 2.128 + 0.1064 = 2.2344 = 2.235 yards (Ans.)

Second System

It is called shortcut formula for quick consumption

Total length = Body length + Sleeve length + Sewing allowance (In case of wash Garments. Washing allowance to be added with the above)Body width = Chest width + Sewing allowance (In case of wash Garments. Washing allowance to be added with the above)

Formula = (Length X Width)/(Fab. Width X Fab. Unit)

Body length = 32” + 1” (Sewing allowance) = 33”

Sleeve length = 23” + 2.5” (Cuff width) + 1.5 (Sewing allowance) = 27”

Total length = 33” + 27” = 60”

Body width = 48” + 2” (S. A) + 3” Pleat W = 53”

So, Consumption = (60” X 53”)/(44” X 36”) = 3180/1584 = 2.007575 = 2.0075 + 5% (Wastage)

= 2.0076 + 0.10038

= 2.10798 + 0.95 (Shoulder one part)

= 2.20298 = 2.20 yards (Ans.)

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He is Abu Sayed, the founder of the blog site Textile Apex. He is a Textile Engineer having eight years plus practical experience in the Textile and Clothing industries. With a deep love for fashion and a keen eye for detail, he combines his creative flair with extensive knowledge to offer insightful and engaging content to his readers.
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