Yarn Count

Yarn Count Calculator: Easily Determine the Yarn Count

Yarn Count Calculator Yarn Count Calculator Yarn Count System: English Cotton Count (Ne)Metric Count (Nm)Tex CountDenier Count Length: MetersYards Weight: GramsPoundsGrains Output Unit: English Cotton Count (Ne)Metric Count (Nm)Tex CountDenier Count Calculate Refresh If you’re a Textile Engineer and working in a textile industry, you know how important it is to determine the yarn count accurately. Whether[…]

Thread Sizes: Ticket Number of Sewing Thread

Identification of thread size, called ticket number, is undergoing a transition. Different kinds of yarns had different numbering designations. On January 1, 1980, the Thread Institute adopted a standardized ticket numbering system based on the Tex system of numbering yarn. The system is to be used on a voluntary basis by its member manufacturers, converters,[…]

Yarn Count: Definition and Types

Yarn Count is an integral part of the Textile industry. The spinning mills or weaving mills can not run without this term. Because product costing fully depends on it. So, it is the most important term in the Textile sector. In this article we will learn the details about it.  Definition of Yarn Count The[…]

Basic Conversions of Yarn Count

Count or yarn count is a numerical expression which indicates the coarseness or fineness of a yarn. It is a very important term in the textile industries to define the length, weight and price of yarn as well as fabrics. Now we will know about the conversions of yarn count. You may like also: What[…]

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