
What is Garment Dyeing? Advantages of Garment Dyeing

Definition of Garments Dyeing At first garments dyeing technology applied on woolen and silk garments but now it is applied on polyester, acrylic, nylon and also extensively on cotton garments. Its popularity is increasing all over the world. There are many advantages of garments dyeing which are the reasons of its popularity increase. Normally we[…]

Complete Dyeing Process of 100% Cotton Fabric

Knit fabric dyeing in a winch machine is a standard method used in textile industries to dye knitted fabrics. The winch dyeing machine is a type of dyeing machine that operates by rotating fabric in a dye liquor using a winch mechanism. This method ensures the even distribution of dye and facilitates the dyeing process[…]

Maintenance of Dyeing Machinery

The following features must be provided to run up a dyeing machine: It should provide sufficient movement for the liquor, dyeing to penetrate uniformly into every points of textile material. The machine must be constructed of such metal which will stay prolonged boiling, acid, alkali solution and other chemicals. The heating arrangement must maintain a[…]

How to Select a Dye for Proper Dyeing

Selection of Dyes With the enormous host of dyes available to today’s textile industry, the choices are significant. Aside from each coloring agent’s ability to impregnate fibres and fabrics with different color intensities, each has specific functional characteristics that may make it more suitable for one project than for another. One of the most important[…]

A Guide to Different Types of Dyeing Technique

Fabrics are either yarn-dyed or piece-dyed. Yarn-dyeing means that the yarns are colored before weaving. They can be stored as raw yarn and dyed when required according to the dictates of fashion. Piece-dyeing means that cloth is woven as what is known as ‘grey’ goods and is then dyed according to fashion need. Dyeing is[…]

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