Important Terms and Definitions of Wet Processing
Last updated on August 17th, 2023 at 11:54 pm
In the dyeing industries, there are so many terms and definitions. If you want to be a perfect dyeing master, you should know these terms and definitions. In a dyeing factory, the main focus is to match the shades properly and give the highest production. You should know about the dyes and chemicals and their ratio in the dyeing recipe to match the shade perfectly. In this article, we will learn about the standard terms and definitions of dyeing or wet processing.
Dyes give color to the textile materials. They have been anchored by selectively retaining some of the wavelengths out of light falling upon the surface. According to Witt’s (German chemist) suggestion, chromophore groups such as nitro, nitroso, azo, carboxyl conferred upon a substance. They potentially become color.
The dye is a complex compound applied in the textile materials representing color and contains chromophore and auxochrome groups in its chemical structure.
Properties of dye/dyestuffs: There are mostly 4 properties—
- The intensity of the dye.
- Solubility of dye.
- Reactivity of dye.
- Fastness of dye
Color is a general term that refers to the wavelength composition of light with a particular reference to its visual appearance. Color is a psychological effect. It is a mental response to a stimulus composed of light varied in it, spectral characteristics by physical or chemical.
Dye assistance
Dye the assistance is such type of chemical compound which are directly related for specific dyestuff coloration.
Liquor is a chemical mixture with water which is responsible for chemical reaction or change.
A substance in a particular form that is substantially insoluble in a medium to modify its color and light-scattering properties.
Soap is a metallic salt of saturated or unsaturated of higher fatty acid. The soap contains a minimum of 12 carbon atoms in its chemical compound. Soap may also contain Mg, Ca, and another metallic salt. But, in practice only one is used as detergents, containing sodium or potassium. Soap will act as a cleaning agent but not as a surface-active agent and wetting agent like detergents.
Detergent is any saturated metallic salt of higher fatty acid. The term detergent means cleaning. In a broad sense, it is the removal of any undesirable or foreign substances like fats, oil, and wax from the required materials. Detergent contains a minimum of six carbon compounds.
The compound which contains replaceable hydrogen and that replaceable hydrogen can be replaced partially or fully by directly or indirectly with a metal or metal-like radical and finally produces salt. This compound is called acid. Ex: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, H3PO4, etc.
Metal or metal like active radical oxide or hydroxide which reacts with acid and it produces salt and water is called the base. Ex: MgO, NaOH, etc.
The replicable hydrogen of acid when replaced partially or fully by a metal or metal-like compound or radical and finally produces a compound is called salt. Ex: NaCl, K2SO4, Na2SO4, etc.
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