
Manufacturing Flowchart of Woolen Yarn

The simple term “wool”, according to government standards, must always mean new wool that has not been made up in any form of wool product. New wool comes directly from a fleece. It has never been previously spun, woven, felted, or worn. The term “virgin wool” is now used by the textile industry to designate[…]

Process Flowchart of Silk Production

Silk is the very fine strand of fibre that is a solidified protein secretion produced by certain caterpillars to encase themselves in the form of cocoons. In spite of its high cost, it has been one of the most popular fabrics because of its unique characteristics. Soft, supple, strong and lighter in weight than any[…]

Production Flowchart of Linen or Flax Fibre

Basically the flax fibre composed of cellulose. Linen yarn is made from fibres removed from the stem of the slender flax plant. These fibres, held together under the stem’s bark principally by a gummy substance, form the body of the flax plant. The fibre obtained from the stem of the flax plant was probably the[…]

Working Flowchart of Knit Dyeing

The main object of dyeing process is to give woven or knitted fabric its intended color, crucial to its ultimate use. The process can be carried out at different stages of fibre processing, i.e. in different forms: staple, yarn, fabric (rope or open-width), and piece. It is done in a special type of solution containing[…]

Process Flowchart of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)

Effluent can be defined as the excess chemical liquor which is discharged after using original operation. Effluent is defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as “wastewater – treated or untreated – that flows out of a treatment plant, sewer, or industrial outfall. Generally refers to wastes discharged into surface waters”. The Compact Oxford[…]

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