Fabric Manufacturing

What is Blanket | Types and Sizes of Blanket

Definition of Blanket Blankets are made of various constructions and compositions, which provide different degrees of warmth, softness, and durability. They are usually woven but can be knitted or stitch-knitted or the Arachne fabric forming technique, needled, or by flocking fibres onto a polyurethane foam base. The yarns may be composed wholly of cotton, wool,[…]

Properties of Spandex Fabrics

Fabrics are never made entirely of spandex fibre. As has been indicated, these yarns are frequently made in combination with other fibres. These yarns are generally incorporated with other yarns in fabrics. When bare spandex yarns are used, they are always utilized in conjunction with other yarns in fabrics. The form, amount, and other arrangement[…]

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