The 17 Best Women’s Outerwear

Clothing is divided into different categories depending on which part of the body we wear and for which purpose they serve, such as casual wear, innerwear, outerwear, etc. Not only for going outside, but the clothes we wear on the outer part of our body to add a little style or prevent winter cold are[…]

Cotton Fibre and Yarn Quality Co-Relation

Instead of buying any cotton available at the lowest price, spin it to produce yarn if highest count possible and selling yarn at any market at random. It is advisable to locate a good market where yarn can be sold at the highest price and fine cotton, which has characteristics to spin the yarn of desired specifications for that[…]

Operation Principle of Air Jet Loom

Working Principle of Air Jet Loom  Air jet weaving machines were invented in Czechoslovakia and later refined by the Swiss, Dutch, and Japanese were designed to retain the tension less aspect of the picking action of the water jet while eliminating the problems caused by the use of water. The yarn is pulled from the supply package[…]

Yarn Twist Measurement Techniques

Direct Counting Method The essence of the method is to unwind the twist in a yarn until the fibres are parallel to the yarn axis and to count how many turns are required to do his. A suitable instrument has two jaws at a set distance apart. One of the jaws is fixed and the other is capable of being rotated.[…]

What is Weaving | A Short History of Weaving

Weaving and Woven Fabric In general terms, a textile fabric may be defined as an assembly of fibers, yarns or combinations of these. There are several ways to manufacture a fabric. Each manufacturing method is capable of producing a wide variety of fabric structures that depend on the raw materials used, equipment and machinery employed and the[…]

Hydrolysis of Reactive Dye

Definition of Hydrolysis Hydrolysis is a chemical process in which a molecule is cleaved into two parts by the addition of a molecule of water. One fragment of the parent molecule gains a hydrogen ion (H+) from the additional water molecule. The other group collects the remaining hydroxyl group (OH−). Hydrolysis of Reactive Dye During[…]

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