Author : Abu Sayed

Maintenance of Dyeing Machinery

The following features must be provided to run up a dyeing machine: It should provide sufficient movement for the liquor, dyeing to penetrate uniformly into every points of textile material. The machine must be constructed of such metal which will stay prolonged boiling, acid, alkali solution and other chemicals. The heating arrangement must maintain a[…]

Properties of Acrylic Fibre

Acrylic fibre is the most popular among the synthetic fibres. It contains about 85% acrylonitrile units. It is generated from hydrogen, cyanide, acetylene and petroleum. Top Properties of Acrylic Fibre The main properties of acrylic fibres may be described as follows: Length The length of the acrylic fibre can be controlled. That means, it may[…]

Common Defects in Blowroom Laps

With the evolution of the new concept of “Zero defects”, there is growing concern in the mills to control defects at every stage of manufacture. Lap defects can in the long run result in yarn defects, thus ultimately reducing the sale value of yarn. It is in this context that an understanding of the types[…]

Main Check Points in Weaving

Constant vigilance of men, machines, materials and atmospheric conditions is required for smooth and efficient working of a loom shed. Though the checkpoints are already known to the supervisors, they must be conscious of these aspects while patrolling the department. The followings are details of the checklist:

Quality Control Activities in Loom Shed

The quality control function is required to monitor the qualitative performance of the incoming material, in-process material and the finished product. This involves conducting of studies/tests, both routine and special. Routine Studies End Breaks and Operations Warp and weft breakage studies should be conducted once a month for each count. The breaks should be noted[…]

Essential Check Points in Blowroom

Given below are some checkpoints which will guide the technicians about some common deficiencies in the blow room and the corrective action to be taken in such cases with regard to quality control, maintenance or work practices. Mixing Room Opening and Cleaning Scutcher End Thus, if the technicians make it a point to inspect the[…]

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